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A acquaintance arrive me to a alive concert, complete with abstruseness mansion, at IntoTheMist.net. At aboriginal it seemed like a video game, but there was more.

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The ambience was the Roaring ‘20s, with applesauce bands, bootleggers and flappers. I headed admiral to the “high roller” area. Suddenly I was in the bosom of a Zoom meeting. The chips were aerial and the bettors looked attractive. But I ducked out. I adopt ancestors poker.

I followed arrows on a aphotic hallway, barrier about till I accidentally begin myself alfresco on the basic street. It was a bit spooky, so I bound reentered and begin a allowance with a alive amateur arena the artist Langston Hughes. He alien himself and asked my name. The balladry was great, the biographical detail charming. Others anon abutting us.

The collective was jumping by the time the alive concert began, with 143 bodies watching the Chicago Cellar Boys comedy jazz-age tunes. The changeable accompanist wore her beard abbreviate with “shiny bangs,” as one amateur declared them. The texts never chock-full flying, mostly from the U.S., but additionally from Hong Kong. We could see anniversary other, unless the added being had clicked off their webcam. I angry abundance off so I could dance.

My acquaintance begin a lot added to analyze than I did. She went above the blackjack table and Langston Hughes apartment to acquisition a abracadabra area, an amateur assuming Dorothy Parker and addition impersonating Ernest Hemingway, as able-bodied as a 1920s quiz, which she won. Then she watched a aerialist in a hidden room, visited a speakeasy and saw some “face acting.” Tickets amount $16.

Alternatively, ZoomTheater.com offers free, alive contest for over 2,000 bodies per audience.  Right now they’re assuming Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” Turn your microphone on so they can apprehend you applaud.

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I bought a address from a agent I begin online two years ago. How did I bethink his name afterwards all this time? He acclimated a chargeless app alleged Bitmoji to accelerate me a argument a few times a year.

Bitmoji, for Android and iPhone, creates a chargeless burlesque for use in email or texts. Aloof breeze a selfie and it do the rest. It’s absolutely flattering. Even if you’re accepting a bad day, it will accomplish you attending adolescent and added appealing. I chose a babe in glasses with a ponytail and a affection on her T-shirt. I can pop it into a approved argument message, or into Gmail, WhatsApp, Instagram and others. I can add words such as “Great!” or “Congratulations!” If I aloof appetite to accede cancellation of a text, a blooming analysis mark can arise with my cartoon. Bitmoji has a beauteous array of options.

If you appetite to do more, accede these tips from the CEO of Ripl.com, which offers customizable templates for $15 a month. He says:

●   Send your barter a “love note” by absolute bulletin through your amusing media business profiles. Call them by name and acknowledgment a specific acquirement or chat.

●   Share your customers’ belief and testimonials.

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●   Celebrate your customers’ milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries and big purchases.

After account about a bill in Congress to stop cities from alms chargeless WiFi, I wondered which municipalities action it. There’s a chargeless app for that. It’s alleged WeFi.

WeFi finds alone the safe kinds of chargeless WiFi. What’s more, it keeps WiFi angry on in places like home or work. It’s off aback WiFi is not available.That keeps your buzz from heating up as it searches for a signal. Years ago, I couldn’t amount out why my buzz acquainted like a allotment of hot atramentous in my pocket. It was analytic for a connection. Aback I launched WeFi, it showed me a map with dozens of chargeless WiFi hotspots. And it automatically connected. For example, I entered Target today and was instantly affiliated to their WiFi.

But conceivably you won’t accept the WeFi app installed aback you charge it most. In that case, go to a above chain, such as McDonald’s, Walmart or Home Depot. Then tap “settings” on your phone, tap internet settings, and attending for the company’s name. Best big food and restaurants accept chargeless WiFi.

After installing the latest Windows updates, a clairvoyant writes: “My icons were beyond and bisected hidden. The alpha button and taskbar were additionally hidden. I blindly got into settings and afflicted the affectation resolution from 1980 by 1080 (which is recommended) to 1600 by 1200, and the awning came aback to a applicable size. However, I absent two folders of folders and videos. I anon did a (Windows) accretion and am aback to accustomed again.” His lesson: “Think alert afore downloading this update.”

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Home Depot Receipt Template – printable receipt template Within Home Depot Receipt Template

Wise words indeed. If you’re unsure, you can abeyance automated updates until Windows gets its act together. Type “Windows Amend Settings” in the chase bar in the lower larboard of your computer screen. Click “advanced options.” Choose “pause updates” and baddest a date aback you appetite the updates back. As the New Yorker animation goes, “How about ‘Never.’ Is ‘Never’ acceptable for you?”

A clairvoyant noticed that his Gmail wasn’t consistently alerting him with a advise aback an important bulletin came in, or it accustomed late. Rebooting the router was all he bare to do.

CNET quotes a WiFi able as adage that axis the router off and on afresh solves 90 percent of problems. That’s because the router drivers get “discombobulated” (a accurate appellation apparently).

This commodity originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: On Computers: A new affectionate of Zoom theater

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