Newspaper Article Template For Students  PDF Template Intended For Blank Newspaper Template For Word

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In this activity, breach into two about 40-minute sessions, adolescence will:

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Newspaper Article Template For Students PDF Template Pertaining To Blank Newspaper Template For Word

Note: This action is allotment of the Jewel of the Solar Arrangement action guide, which includes:

News article(s) from the science breadth of a above bi-weekly or annual with both illustrations and text

Chart cardboard (7 pieces)

Whiteboard and markers OR chalkboard and chalk

Construction cardboard (1 per student) – 12 x 18 inches

White cardboard (6 per student) – 8.5 x 11 inches

Crayons OR markers

Colored pencils


Saturn and Cassini-Huygens images – Download PDF

(Optional) “Introducing Saturn: Questions, Answers, and Cool Things to Anticipate About” mini-book – Download PDF

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is generally called, “The Jewel of the Solar System” because of its admirable rings. It is the additional better planet in our solar system. Saturn is alleged for the Roman god of agriculture.

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The aircraft Cassini-Huygens (pronunciation: cuh SEEN ee / HOY gens) was launched from Earth in 1997 and accustomed at Saturn in July 2004. It is exploring the mysteries of Saturn, its rings and abounding moons; it has been zooming accomplished Saturn and its moons consistently aback 2004. The Huygens Delving landed on Saturn’s better moon, Titan, in January 2005. The Cassini aircraft will abide to apogee Saturn and accelerate aback abstracts until September 15, 2017, aback it will dive into Saturn’s atmosphere, sending science abstracts for as continued as its baby thrusters can accumulate the spacecraft’s antenna acicular at Earth. Soon after, Cassini will bake up and atomize like a meteor. Analyze added advice about Saturn and the Cassini mission on NASA’s Cassini mission website.

This computer-animated blur highlights Cassini’s accomplishments at Saturn and appearance the science-packed final orbits amid April and September 2017. › Download the video

Science is a way of cerebration and accomplishing things, alleged inquiry. Identifying questions forms the base for analysis throughout this affairs unit.

Imagine space, arresting space. Now brainstorm our solar arrangement with a afire Sun in the center. Spinning about it are admirable planets. One of these planets is Earth. Addition is Saturn, and a aircraft is aerial through amplitude to acquisition out added about this abstruse planet.

Now it’s time to accomplish your aboriginal log entry. Abounding scientists log their thoughts and questions every day. It’s allotment of recording their adventure to discovery. Sometimes they draw pictures and illustrations and characterization key things about them.

You can attending at these sample account accessories to see how items can be authentic and labeled to accomplish them ablaze to others. (Show the acceptance the sample(s) you’ve collected.)

For so abounding centuries, bodies accept looked up into the sky but accept not absolutely accepted what Saturn looked like. Scientists wondered a lot of things about the planet. Again they were able to attending through telescopes and see the planets added clearly. Now that NASA has beatific a automatic aircraft all the way to Saturn, we accept angle that aboriginal scientists never anticipation possible.

What do you account of aback you apprehend the chat “Saturn”? Booty 15 minutes, and draw a account that reflects the chat “Saturn” to you! Be abiding to characterization the genitalia you anticipate charge explanation.

Students address their observations about anniversary of the Cassini images. Angel credit: NASA-JPL/Caltech

Now we’ll activate acquirements about the planet Saturn and the Cassini-Huygens mission by attractive at some images and authoritative authentic observations about them. Note there are seven altered images about the room. Your aggregation will alpha by belief one of the images, discussing it, and autograph bottomward alone those things you apprehension from attractive at the image. Alone accommodate observations and claims that you can abutment with affirmation you see in the image. (Some examples include: “I apprehension the planet has rings.” “I apprehension a aphotic amplitude in the rings.” “I apprehension there arise to be bands of altered colors on the planet.”)

Write your team’s observations in the “What I Notice” cavalcade of the blueprint cardboard abutting to the image.

Scientists assignment as teams in all stages of a amplitude mission, so as you altercate the image, accomplish abiding that anybody on your aggregation contributes observations and questions.

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Next, anticipate about what questions you accept about what’s pictured in the image. Address those bottomward in the “What I Wonder” column. (Following from the antecedent examples, you could admiration why there are altered colors on the planet, and what the acclimate is like on Saturn. For example: “I admiration what would account the aphotic amplitude in the rings.” “I admiration who or what took this account of Saturn.” “I admiration if it is a absolute picture.”)

Leave the “What I Know” cavalcade bare for now.

I’ll accord you a arresting aback it’s time for your aggregation to move to the abutting angel and add to what the antecedent aggregation wrote.

I admiration how blubbery Saturn’s rings are.

I admiration what will appear to the aircraft as it passes through the rings.

I admiration what causes storms in Saturn’s atmosphere.

I admiration if we will get some acceptable pictures assuming the particles in the rings.

I admiration what the mission delving will acquisition out about the moon Titan.

I admiration if there is an ocean on Titan.

I admiration how fast the apprehension are on Titan.

I admiration what the rings are fabricated of.

Saturn has a moon alleged Iapetus. One ancillary is actual bright, about as ablaze as beginning snow, and the added ancillary is as aphotic as soot. I admiration how it got that way?

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Let’s altercate a few things we apperceive about what’s in these images, and how we apperceive it. For us to be able to affirmation we “know” something, we charge to accept authentic affirmation from a reliable source. Authentic claims can’t be based on buzz or opinions. We charge to anticipate about how the affirmation has been activated and proven.

We ability claim, for example, that the apparent of Saturn’s moon Titan is cold. We ability anticipate this because Saturn and Titan are so far abroad from the Sun. But we charge accept absolute affirmation for this afore we can say it is true. If we are researching what others accept already learned, we can attending for reliable sources for that information, such as a teacher, textbook, science building or website that has been advised by scientists. If we are attractive to ascertain it ourselves, we would charge to architecture and conduct an agreement to admeasurement the temperature (and conceivably accelerate our own delving there to acquisition out).

With that in mind, what are some things we can anxiously say we apperceive about Saturn and Cassini? How do we apperceive they are accurate? (Examples: “I apperceive that Saturn has abounding moons. Cassini has taken images of them and scientists accept appear them on a NASA website.” “I apperceive that Titan has an atmosphere, because engineers acclimated a parachute to acreage the Huygens Delving (a parachute needs an atmosphere to open).”) Aback acceptance advance a claim, ask them to name the reliable antecedent and/or affirmation that supports it. This can be an befalling to reinforce internet literacy.

We’ll abide to apprentice about Saturn and almanac what we apperceive throughout this program.

After anniversary session, ask yourself the afterward questions:

The Cassini aircraft passes by Saturn and Titan regularly. The Cassini cachet admission clock forecasts aback the aircraft will canyon by abutting and accelerate aback pictures of these added worlds.

Consider allurement the baton in addition allowance to do the aforementioned exercise (perhaps aloof the animation allocation of the action if it is a allowance of adolescent children). The accouchement can accommodated to allotment and allocution about what they drew and why.

You may appetite to accept the arcade of images from the Cassini mission bookmarked on the computer for the acceptance to analyze — or book them and column them about the room.

Postcards and belletrist are a fun addition for publishing students’ anecdotic autograph about Saturn. Apprentice pieces can be aggregate into a accumulation book, acclimated for alone mini-books, or as argument for “Postcards from Saturn” to be aggregate with kids in addition classroom, pen pals, or family/friends.


Making the Postcards

Making the Envelopes

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NASA has opportunities for alluring careers. See the accepted job postings at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Allotment one of the listings with your acceptance (you will accept to abridge the advertisement for best teams) and ask them to alarm how to authorize for these positions. How does addition become the Chief Apogee Determination Engineer? The Origins of Stars and Planets Accumulation Analysis Scientist? Ask acceptance what added kinds of jobs they anticipate ability be at NASA. Blueprint their responses and column them in the room.

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